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What’s the difference between marketing trends vs strategies?

In the world of marketing, there are always new trends emerging. But what’s the difference between a marketing trend and a marketing strategy?

marketing trend is a general direction that marketing is taking. It’s something that’s becoming more popular or more widely adopted. For example, the trend towards using short-form, vertical videos in marketing is a recent trend that’s gaining traction.

marketing strategy is a specific plan for how a business will reach its target audience and achieve its marketing goals. It considers the business’s unique strengths and weaknesses and the current marketing landscape. For example, a small business selling handmade jewellery might develop a marketing strategy focusing on social media marketing and influencer outreach.

Why is it important to know the difference?

Knowing the difference between marketing trends and strategies is important because they can affect how you market your business. Marketing trends can give you ideas for new marketing channels or tactics to try. But they shouldn’t be the basis of your marketing strategy.

Your marketing strategy should be based on your business’s unique goals and objectives. It should also consider your target audience and the current marketing landscape. By understanding the difference between marketing trends and strategies, you can develop a marketing plan that’s more likely to be successful.

What are some marketing trends for 2023?

Here are some marketing trends that are expected to be big in 2023:

  • Short-form, vertical videos: As more and more people consume content on their smartphones, short-form, vertical videos are becoming increasingly popular. This trend is likely to continue in 2023.
  • Cookie-less marketing: As third-party cookies are phased out, businesses must find new ways to track and target their customers. This will likely lead to a greater focus on first-party data and contextual targeting.
  • AI-powered marketing: Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly sophisticated and being used in various marketing applications. In 2023, we will see even more businesses using AI to automate tasks, personalise experiences, and improve their marketing ROI.
  • Ethical marketing: Consumers are becoming more aware of the ethical implications of their purchasing decisions. In 2023, businesses must be more transparent about their practices and ensure ethical marketing.

How can I use marketing trends to grow my business?

You can use marketing trends to grow your business by:

  • Keeping an eye on the latest trends: Stay up-to-date on the latest marketing trends so that you can incorporate them into your marketing strategy.
  • Experimenting with new tactics: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new marketing tactics to see what works for your business.
  • Tailoring your marketing to your target audience: Make sure that your marketing is tailored to your target audience so that you can reach them with the right message.

Marketing trends can be a great source of inspiration for your marketing strategy. But it’s important to remember that trends come and go. What’s important is to develop a marketing strategy that’s based on your business’s unique goals and objectives. By understanding the difference between marketing trends and strategies, you can create a marketing plan that’s more likely to be successful.

Need help with your marketing strategy? Contact Bright Leopard Marketing

Hi, I’m Gemma, founder of Bright Leopard Marketing. 

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