Creating an effective marketing tone of voice requires more than just knowing your company’s name and industry. It requires you to understand your audience and how they want to be spoken to. Once you know this, it’s time to take action! I’ve put together three easy steps to help you learn how to nail your marketing tone of voice in no time. Let’s get started!
1) Have Fun
Enjoy the content you create ad add value with every piece of content you create. Your personality makes your content unique. Don’t try to follow someone else’s tone of voice and be them, being authentic is key to an endearing tone of voice. Make your content fun, and people will want to interact with you more! Keep it conversational, casual, friendly and engaging. Having a unique brand voice is also important if you really want to stand out from the crowd. It makes it easier for your audience to identify you.
Even if your business is within the corporate space, there are still ways to bring your copy to life and inject some personality into your content strategy.

2) Be Personable
People buy from people, and even in today’s digital age, that’s more true than ever. Make sure to be personable on social media and your website. Share relevant links, give away free resources and otherwise demonstrate that you are a human who has problems just like everybody else. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for customers to connect with you on an emotional level—when they can relate to you, they’re far more likely to trust you.
3) Use Quality Content
The tone of voice you use on your brand’s social channels should be easygoing and friendly. You are, after all, solving problems for your customers and offering them advice or valuable information—you want to make it easy for them to connect with you. The most effective way to do that is to use examples of how you have helped people already. That way, potential buyers can see that you understand their needs and offer them help in a friendly way.
Need help building your tone of voice? Contact me today to find out how Bright Leopard Marketing can help you find your voice in business and deliver engaging content that attracts your ideal clients.
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