Free Buyer Persona Worksheet

When creating a content marketing strategy, you must always consider what your ideal client needs to know before they buy. What problem does your business/product solve for them? Use this point to get creative and tell a story that empathises with your client’s pain points. How will your business/product help them? Now is the time […]
Complete Beginner’s Guide to Canva

Canva is great for beginners and this handy post will explain how to use Canva templates to enhance your artwork for your business. This free and easy-to-follow Canva for Beginners PDF is for anyone who is starting their journey on Canva or has an account but wants to understand how key features work to improve […]
How to Start Podcast for Free | A Step by Step Guide for 2022

Ah, podcasts, where should we begin? It is safe to say that I was late to the game when it comes to listening to podcasts. In fact, I only started to listen to them during the first UK lockdown to keep me company on long walks with my dog. If you also quickly became addicted […]
Instagram Tips For Businesses: The Ultimate Guide

These Instagram tips for businesses will take you step-by-step through what you need to do to harness the FREE power of social media to promote your business. Instagram is a powerful, free tool for women to use to grow their business online. It just takes a little time to learn how to maximise your efforts […]
What to post on Instagram? 25 Content Ideas for Small Businesses

Knowing what to post on Instagram is something that clients talk to me about on a daily basis. They often feel like they are running around like a headless chicken, desperately taking photos, using different types of filters, or using templates on Canva that don’t align with their brand or messaging. Does this sound familiar? […]